Antilog table is used to find the anti-logarithm of a number. Antilog is a function that is the inverse of the log function. We know that we use the log table for doing math calculations easily without using a calculator. While doing the calculations, we apply the log first for the given expression, and after simplifying we should use the antilog table to find the antilog of the result that gives the simplified result of the given expression.
Let us learn more about the antilog table along with how it looks like and how to use it for positive and negative numbers. We will solve examples using the antilog table for a better understanding of its usage.
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Antilog table gives the antilog of a positive or a negative number. Antilog is the inverse of the logarithmic function. i.e., if log x = y then x = antilog (y). i.e., if "log" moves from one side to the other side of the equation, it becomes an antilog. So
The main purpose of the log and antilog tables is to make the process of doing multiplication, division, finding exponents, and roots easier. For simplifying any expression involving product, quotient, or exponents:
Here, mantissa is 0.59235. So look for the value (in the antilog table) in the row labelled 0.59 and column 2 and add the same row's mean difference under column 3 (we are ignoring the 5th digit which is 5 here as the antilog table can be used only till 4 digits). Then we get 3908 + 3 = 3911.
The antilogarithm table gives the antilog of a positive or a negative number. Antilog table is used to find the anti-logarithm of a number. Antilog is a function that is the inverse of the log function.
The Swiss mathematician Jost Bürgi constructed a table of progressions which can be considered a table of antilogarithms[24] independently of John Napier, whose publication (1614) was known by the time Bürgi published at the behest of Johannes Kepler. We know that Bürgi had some way of simplifying calculations around 1588, but most likely this way was the use of prosthaphaeresis, and not the use of his table of progressions which probably goes back to about 1600. Indeed, Wittich, who was in Kassel from 1584 to 1586, brought with him knowledge of prosthaphaeresis, a method by which multiplications and divisions can be replaced by additions and subtractions of trigonometrical values. This procedure achieves the same as the logarithms will a few years later. 2ff7e9595c