Virtual Reality (VR) is now available in any view and includes an interactive mouse pointer enabling cockpit interaction. Aircraft interiors are brought to life with support for 4k textures and cockpit rain effects. Many updates were made to further improve stability, add-on compatibility, and performance in this release.
You can also activate ruler by checking 'Enable ruler'. If you enter cruise speed and fuel data additional info about flight duration and fuel consumption will appear at the bottom.In some cases you can need ruler to stay on the map after you release mouse button. To do that, press SHIFT key just before releasing mouse button.
Mouse Cursor.p3d.rar
i) Allow direct data entry of all data into all the function pages, retrieve VOR ILS COMM radio codes;j) Follow the APPROACH and TRANSITION retrieved as described above, k) Allow the brightness of the display to be adjusted for night flights, on both the FMC and the renewed PFD (Primary Flight Display) and EICAS Upper & Lower;l) Allow the aircraft to be flown manually (providing the ROUTE has not been activated),m) Retrieve an ALTERNATE AIRPORT depending on runway length and airport distance,n) Fully automatic auto-land , from the ILS capture to the full stop on the runway. However it will NOT create and/or directly modify flight plans. (However Flight Simulator itself and other good quality software packages available on the Net do it so well.). However the FS flight plan can be changed during flight using FS procedure.)YOKE and PEDALS move. They are connected to your manual yoke when the Autopilot is OFF (ailerons, pitch trim and rudder). When it is ON, YOKE is connected to the Ailerons and PEDALS are connected to the Spoilers and they both move as the aircraft itself moves. The Yoke turns from -90 to +90 and moves BACK and FORTH.The clip on the yoke is moving UP and DOWN to keep in sight FLAPS and GEAR positions during take-off and landing phases. You can adjust it with the mouse by clicking directly on the desired position or pulling it up or down. PACKAGE CONTENT OF THE DELIVERED 2ff7e9595c