Mr Sinclair adds, 'One of the best ways I think we can prevent whales getting stuck in creel nets is by weighting the nets down properly. Ropes can float about in the water column if they not weighted, so there should be legislation in place to guide people on best practice. All the fishermen I know want to stop this from happening.'
Stuck fishing.
BDMLR are a network of volunteers up and down the country, operating on call - meaning they'll drop everything when an ocean animal gets stuck. They include fishermen, teachers, conservationists and police officers, and each has been rigorously trained in what to do when a whale is in need.
I was fishing using the first Deimos' fishing spear (forgot it's name) in the Drift. After something about 30 minutes of fishing, the spear animation simply stopped halfway and the warframe's arm started to tremble and I was unable to do anything. Activating the ESC menu stopped the animation bug, but I was stuck. I couldn't open the inventory, use transference, keep fishing nor move. The "/unstuck" command also didn't works in this situation.
Similar experience to OP. Happened to me only with the Spari spear, have not acquired the other Entrati spear. Used Lanzo, Peram, and Stunna spears with no problems. Once my frame locks up, I can only aim and rotate in place. Tried fishing for some of the rarer breeds, but they don't seem to want to leave the exocrine. Can't collect these varieties until this gets fixed. Can't switch to weapons, quick melee, archwing, operator, scanners, gear wheel. Can't change spears, bait, or dye/pharoma. Rooted to one spot. /unstuck nonfunctional, abort required.
Same problem, using the new spear, unable to move, only thing my frame can do is aim, cant even shoot the fish. Hurts after doing bounties and gathering stuff for almost 2 hours and its all lost ;( Unable to access anything and unstuck just made my frame do a little hop in place.
The accidental ingestion of fish bones is very common. Fish bones are tiny and may be easily missed while preparing fish or when chewing. They have sharp edges and odd shapes that make them more likely than other food to get stuck in the throat.
Olive oil is a natural lubricant. If you have a fish bone stuck in your throat, try swallowing 1 or 2 tablespoons of straight olive oil. It should coat the lining of your throat and the bone itself, making it easier for you to swallow it down or cough it up.
If the fish bone is stuck in your esophagus or somewhere else in your digestive tract, it can pose a real danger. It can cause a tear in your esophagus, an abscess, and, rarely, life threatening complications.
Most fish bones are very sharp. They can cut or cause an abrasion on the throat on their way down, even if they do not get stuck. In these cases, it may feel as though the bone is stuck in the throat, when in reality, it has already passed through the esophagus toward the stomach.
How a person cooks the fish can also affect the likelihood of a bone becoming lodged in the throat. In a 2015 study of people with problems related to eating fish bones, stews and baked fish were involved in the most cases of bones getting stuck in the throat.
So you can spend time with Tarben after finishing his personal request. He'd ask you to go fishing with him, which I did. He talked about his father while he's fishing. I caught some too (five of them). When he stopped fishing, I also stopped. But he'd just stand there. I can't escape from the fishing area. Any buttons except the Map button doesn't work. I tried to speak with him but he has no 'speak' prompt either. When I want to load from a previous save, I noticed the latest save is called 'exclusive story'. Is his a DLC? Is this a bug? Or something I'm missing?
Hello there!I'd like to reach out with an update regarding Eivor getting stuck whilst fishing with Tarben. Following the release of TU 1.5.2, the dedicated teams have been unable to reproduce this issue in-game. We will therefore be marking this thread as \"Resolved.\"If you are still getting stuck after fishing with Tarben, please don't hesitate to share an update within this thread. When making your post, please include a video which shows the following:
Hello there!I'd like to reach out with an update regarding Eivor getting stuck whilst fishing with Tarben. Following the release of TU 1.5.2, the dedicated teams have been unable to reproduce this issue in-game. We will therefore be marking this thread as "Resolved."If you are still getting stuck after fishing with Tarben, please don't hesitate to share an update within this thread. When making your post, please include a video which shows the following:
@moodycactus I have the same exact issue on stadia. I have to load a previous save otherwise I am stuck forever with zero progress or ability to move on or anywhere else if I do this mission. A lot of my relationship/date missions with characters are pretty bugged too, but this one would be game-breaking without autosaves.
When ferrules are stuck and more force is needed there are a couple of options. Most folks know the trick of holding your hands high and pulling them down behind your head. This lets gravity and the natural rotation of your shoulders work together to pull the ferrules. You can also put the rod behind your knees and push out on your forearms with your legs. Both of these methods work, sometimes.
Stuck pipe has been problematic to the oil and gas industry since the first wells were bored into the earth. Today, the problem of stuck pipe is estimated to cost operators more than US$1billion a year in lost rig time, lost production, the cost of fishing operations, and lost tools.
Downhole vibration technology, which has been successfully applied in the oilfield in the form of a recently commercialized system from Baker Oil Tools, holds promise as an effective, economical technique that can significantly reduce the time and cost associated with removal and recovery of stuck objects.
Many conditions can cause objects to become stuck in a wellbore - differential sticking, an undergauged hole, poor hole cleaning, and mechanical sticking to name a few. Current methods for recovering stuck objects include impact tools such as jars, washover operations, and milling tools. All of these operations have been used for many years, with varying success rates, certain risk factors, and questions such as:
A reduction in operating time is common with vibration methods. A typical job for the surface tool takes only a matter of minutes to free a stuck object. Movement of the fish accelerates as the process progresses, and stops when vibration ceases. The fish moves as long as there is enough vibrational energy to overcome friction. Vibration of drill pipe has been reported as reducing friction by a factor of 100. This translates into lower overpulls, resulting in reduced tension on the rig and string.
Under proper conditions, surface oscillation techniques have achieved a 90% success rate in recovering liners, tubing, and drill pipe, ranging in length from 30 ft to more than 700 ft. However, the technique is limited by well depth and borehole orientation. Surface resonant systems cannot be placed directly at the stuck point.
Both the advantages and limitations of surface resonant technology guided the development of the industry's first downhole resonance system. The primary focus was to lower the cost associated with the recovery and removal of stuck objects. A secondary consideration was to design a tool that would be operational in highly deviated wells.
At one time, it was thought that a surface tool could have a high success rate in highly deviated wells. Data tracking has shown that this is not the case. Jars also have difficulty in highly deviated wells. Being able to place the vibration downhole, closer to the stuck point, yields a substantial savings in cost of operation, and can potentially have a higher success rate in removing stuck pipe.
Baker Oil Tools recently commercialized the Rattler, a downhole resonance system designed to operate directly at the stuck point. The system, powered by surface pumps, begins operation at a pump rate of approximately 1bbl/minute (bpm) with an operating frequency of 12 Hz. The operating frequency varies with pump rate and is completely independent of overpull.
The first primary Rattler test objective was to establish the effects of the system on 180 ft of sand-stuck tubing. This length was selected based on similar tests pulling 60 ft and 90 ft of sand-stuck tubing with a less powerful version of the tool. Additionally, a comparison test was carried out to determine the effect of a standard hydraulic jar on the same tubing. A secondary objective of the testing was to determine the effect of moving the source of vibration away from the stuck point.
With the string in neutral weight, the pumps were started and the downhole resonance tool put into operation for several minutes to vibrate and pack the sand. After giving the sand additional time to settle, a 40 klb (1 klb = 1,000 lb) overpull was taken to set the overshot and verify that the string was indeed stuck. The jars were fired at 60 klb.
To observe the effects of moving the source of vibration from the stuck point, two joints of PH-6, and a joint of 2 7/8-in., 8-round tubing (about 90 ft total), were inserted between the overshot and the downhole resonance tool. The fish was caught as before and vibration commenced. After vibrating on the fish and observing no movement, the 2 7/8-in., 8-round tubing was removed and another attempt to move the fish was carried out. 2ff7e9595c